About the Journal
Social informatics journal prati globalni proces informatizacije društva i njegov uticaj na društvenu strukturu i društvene promene, kao i ulogu i položaj pojedinca u informatičkom društvu. Koordinacija razvoja društva i njegove globalne informatizacije je danas posebno važna tema jer od nje direktno zavisi prevazilaženja krize moderne civilizacije i njenog prelaska na put održivog i zdravog razvoja zasnovanog na ovladavanju i upravljanju informacijama i širokoj upotrebi novih znanja i tehnologija u svim sferama života. Osnovni ciljevi pokretanja Social informatics journal su identifikacija i analiza novih mogućnosti za razvoj čoveka i društva u novoj informacionoj realnosti, kao i novih pretnji i rizika za njihov život, koje već postoje ili mogu nastati u budućnost.
Momčilo Bajac, urednik
The Social Informatics journal focuses on the global process of informatization of society and its impact on social structure and changes, as well as the role and position of individuals in the information society. The coordination of society's development and its global informatization is a particularly crucial topic today. Overcoming the crisis of modern civilization and transitioning towards sustainable and healthy development depends directly on mastering and managing information and embracing new knowledge and technologies in all aspects of life. The main goals of the Social Informatics journal are to identify and analyze new opportunities for individual and societal development in the new informational reality, as well as to recognize and address potential threats and risks to their lives, both existing and emerging.