media, technology, art, polymedia art, opera, film, digital, screen, spatial montage, perception, senses, progressAbstract
This theoretical work deals with hybrid artistic practice and its determination by media and technology. As an inevitable example of thinking about art through the context of media, Vladan Radovanović is highlighted. who is the only theorist who systematically proposed a classification of art in relation to media. Through his theory of polymedia art, as an interdisciplinary form that synthesizes within itself synthesizes various disciplines with the aim of achieving "total art," and the visionary thoughts of Marshall McLuhan on media, we will try to find an answer to the question of the possibilities and significance of media the for the development of art. I will interpret hybrid artworks that have emerged from the integration of different media using the method of textual analysis and interpretation, which allows for their semantic, narrative, and sensory extension in the site, in which we will explain the significance of media possibilities in relation to art.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Dr. Stevan Lutovac, Dr. Branka Besevic Gajic

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.