balanced scorecard, performance management, school managementAbstract
This paper is a part of a wider research, the goal of which was to develop a model of strategic school management at the local and regional level in order to effectively manage schools. The proposed model is based on business intelligence, or advanced analytics of business performances that will enable timely, efficient and fair management of school resources, which the state has delegated to local governments.The performance management of schools should be based on financial and nonfinancial performance indicators. The balanced scorecard (BSC) may be a suitable method for that. This paper investigates the possibility of implementing balanced scorecard in the area of school management. The presented BSC model is developed for school management on local and regional level in Croatia. Defined are perspectives of BSC, strategic objectives and perfor-mance measures related to these objectives. The presented model is universally applicable. It is intended for founders - Local and Regional Administration in countries with similar legislation. For the application of the model any founder should enter realized values, master data and the scope of activities for its school system.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Zoran Savić, Miroslav Huđekr

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